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Repentance is better than sacrifice. The costly balm of Araby, poured on our Master's feet, had not the value of a single tear.

Beloved children, the world has need of you, — and more as children than as men and women: it needs your innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontaminated lives. You need also to watch, and pray that you preserve these virtues unstained, and lose them not through contact with the world. What grander ambition is there than to maintain in yourselves what Jesus loved, and to know that your example, more than words, makes morals for mankind!

Address before the Alumni of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, 1895

My Beloved Students: — Weeks have passed into months, and months into years, since last we met; but time and space, when encompassed by divine presence, do not separate us. Our hearts have kept time together, and our hands have wrought steadfastly at the same object-lesson, while leagues have lain between us.

We may well unite in thanksgiving for the continued progress and unprecedented prosperity of our Cause. It is already obvious that the world's acceptance and the momentum of Christian Science, increase rapidly as years glide on.

As Christian Scientists, you have dared the perilous defense of Truth, and have succeeded. You have learned how fleeting is that which men call great; and how permanent that which God calls good.