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The first edition of Science and Health having been copyrighted at the date of its issue, 1875, in my name of Glover, caused me to retain the initial “G” on my subsequent books.

These pages, although a reproduction of what has been written, are still in advance of their time; and are richly rewarded by what they have hitherto achieved for the race. While no offering can liquidate one's debt of gratitude to God, the fervent heart and willing hand are not unknown to nor unrewarded by Him.

May this volume be to the reader a graphic guidebook, pointing the path, dating the unseen, and enabling him to walk the untrodden in the hitherto unexplored fields of Science. At each recurring holiday the Christian Scientist will find herein a “canny” crumb; and thus may time's pastimes become footsteps to joys eternal.

Realism will at length be found to surpass imagination, and to suit and savor all literature. The shuttlecock of religious intolerance will fall to the ground, if there be no battledores to fling it back and forth. It is reason for rejoicing that the vox populi is inclined to grant us peace, together with pardon for the preliminary battles that purchased it.

With tender tread, thought sometimes walks in memory, through the dim corridors of years, on to old battlegrounds, there sadly to survey the fields of the slain and the enemy's losses. In compiling this work, I have tried