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“Thy Will be Done”

THIS is the law of Truth to error, “Thou shalt surely die.” This law is a divine energy. Mortals cannot prevent the fulfilment of this law; it covers all sin and its effects. God is All, and by virtue of this nature and allness He is cognizant only of good. Like a legislative bill that governs millions of mortals whom the legislators know not, the universal law of God has no knowledge of evil, and enters unconsciously the human heart and governs it.

Mortals have only to submit to the law of God, come into sympathy with it, and to let His will be done. This unbroken motion of the law of divine Love gives, to the weary and heavy-laden, rest. But who is willing to do His will or to let it be done? Mortals obey their own wills, and so disobey the divine order.

All states and stages of human error are met and mastered by divine Truth's negativing error in the way of God's appointing. Those “whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth.” His rod brings to view His love, and interprets to mortals the gospel of healing. David said, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy word.” He who knows the end from the be-