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to fulfil the conditions of our petition? Human policy is a fool that saith in his heart, “No God” — a caressing Judas that betrays you, and commits suicide. This godless policy never knows what happiness is, and how it is obtained.

Jesus did his work, and left his glorious career for our example. On the shore of Gennesaret he tersely reminded his students of their worldly policy. They had suffered, and seen their error. This experience caused them to remember the reiterated warning of their Master and cast their nets on the right side. When they were fit to be blest, they received the blessing. The ultimatum of their human sense of ways and means ought to silence ours. One step away from the direct line of divine Science cost them — what? A speedy return under the reign of difficulties, darkness, and unrequited toil.

The currents of human nature rush in against the right course; health, happiness, and life flow not into one of their channels. The law of Love saith, “Not my will, but Thine, be done,” and Christian Science proves that human will is lost in the divine; and Love, the white Christ, is the remunerator.

If, consciously or unconsciously, one is at work in a wrong direction, who will step forward and open his eyes to see this error? He who is a Christian Scientist, who has cast the beam out of his own eye, speaks plainly to the offender and tries to show his errors to him before letting another know it.

Pitying friends took down from the cross the fainting form of Jesus, and buried it out of their sight. His disciples, who had not yet drunk of his cup, lost sight of