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From a religious point of view, the faith of both youth and adult should centre as steadfastly in God to benefit the body, as to benefit the mind. Body and mind are correlated in man's salvation; for man will no more enter heaven sick than as a sinner, and Christ's Christianity casts out sickness as well as sin of every sort.

Test, if you will, metaphysical healing on two patients: one having morals to be healed, the other having a physical ailment. Use as your medicine the great alterative, Truth: give to the immoralist a mental dose that says, “You have no pleasure in sin,” and witness the effects.

Either he will hate you, and try to make others do likewise, so taking a dose of error big enough apparently to neutralize your Truth, else he will doubtingly await the result; during which interim, by constant combat and direful struggles, you get the victory and Truth heals him of the moral malady.

On the other hand, to the bedridden sufferer administer this alterative Truth: “God never made you sick: there is no necessity for pain; and Truth destroys the error that insists on the necessity of any man's bondage to sin and sickness. ‘Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ ”

Then, like blind Bartimeus, the doubting heart looks up through faith, and your patient rejoices in the gospel of health.

Thus, you see, it is easier to heal the physical than the moral ailment. When divine Truth and Love heal, of sin, the sinner who is at ease in sin, how much more should these heal, of sickness, the sick who are dis-eased, dis-comforted, and who long for relief!