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side of Adam, closed up the wound thereof, and builded up the woman.” (Gen. ii. 21.)

Here we have the Professor on the platform of Christian Science! even a “surgical operation” that he says was performed by divine power, — Mind alone constructing the human system, before surgical instruments were invented, and closing the incisions of the flesh.

He further states that God cannot save the soul without compliance to ordained conditions. But, we ask, have those conditions named in Genesis been perpetuated in the multiplication of mankind ? And, are the conditions of salvation mental, or physical; are they bodily penance and torture, or repentance and reform, which are the action of mind?

He asks, “Has the law been abrogated that demands the employment of visible agencies for specific ends?”

Will he accept my reply as derived from the life and teachings of Jesus? — who annulled the so-called laws of matter by the higher law of Spirit, causing him to walk the wave, turn the water into wine, make the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, and the dead to be raised without matter-agencies. And he did this for man's example; not to teach himself, but others, the way of healing and salvation. He said, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold.”

The teachings and demonstration of Jesus were for all peoples and for all time; not for a privileged class or a restricted period, but for as many as should believe in him.

Are the discoverers of quinine, cocaine, etc., especially the children of our Lord because of their medical discoveries?