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Jesus; rather was it their subjugation, and the pure heart that sees God.

When the belief in material origin, mortal mind, sensual conception, dissolves through self-imposed suffering, and its substances are found substanceless, — then its miscalled life ends in death, and death itself is swallowed up in Life, — spiritual Life, whose myriad forms are neither material nor mortal.

When every form and mode of evil disappear to human thought, and mollusk and radiate are spiritual concepts testifying to one creator, then, earth is full of His glory, and Christian Science has overshadowed all human philosophy, and being is understood in startling contradiction of human hypotheses; and Socrates, Plato, Kant, Locke, Berkeley, Tyndall, Darwin, and Spencer sit at the feet of Jesus.

To this great end, Paul admonished, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” So shall mortals soar to final freedom, and rest from the subtlety of speculative wisdom and human woe.

God is the only Mind, and His manifestation is the spiritual universe, including man and all eternal individuality. God, the only substance and divine Principle of creation, is by no means a creative partner in the firm of error, named matter, or mortal mind. He elucidates His own idea, wherein Principle and idea, God and man, are not one, but are inseparable as cause and effect. If one, who could say which that “one” was?

His ways are not as our ways. The divine modes