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This philosophy alone will bear the strain of time and bring out the glories of eternity; for “other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,” which is Christ, Truth.

Human theories weighed in the balances of God are found wanting; and their highest endeavors are to Science what a child's love of pictures is to art. The school whose schoolmaster is not Christ, gets things wrong, and is ignorant thereof.

If Christian Science lacked the proof of its goodness and utility, it would destroy itself; for it rests alone on demonstration. Its genius is right thinking and right acting, physical and moral harmony; and the secret of its success lies in supplying the universal need of better health and better men.

Good health and a more spiritual religion form the common want, and this want has worked out a moral result; namely, that mortal mind is calling for what immortal Mind alone can supply. If the uniform moral and spiritual, as well as physical, effects of divine Science were lacking, the demand would diminish; but it continues, and increases, which shows the real value of Christian Science to the race. Even doctors agree that infidelity, bigotry, or sham has never met the growing wants of humanity.

As a literature, Christian metaphysics is hampered by lack of proper terms in which to express what it means. As a Science, it is held back by the common ignorance of what it is and of what it does, — and more than all else, by the impostors that come in its name. To be appreciated, it must be conscientiously understood and introduced.