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inquire into anything except genuine Christian Science, and how thankful I am for it! Since then, I have been through a class.

I cannot express in words what Christian Science has done for my children, or my gratitude that the light of Truth has come to them in their innocent childhood, — healing all claims of sickness, and showing us how to overcome the more stubborn claims of sin. — L. F. B.

It is a little over one year since a very esteemed friend, of this city, invited me to partake of the heavenly manna contained in the revelation of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” I had, up to that time, been for fifteen years a victim of hip-joint disease; this eventually confining me to my bed, where I had been ten months when the “book of prophecy” was opened for me. I was not long in finding the light I needed, — that gave “feet to the lame,” enabling me now to go, move, and walk, where I will, without crutch or support of any description, save the staff of divine Science.

In proportion as my thoughts are occupied with the work in Science, does the peace and joy come inwardly that transforms the blight of error externally.

T. G. K., Tacoma, Wash. 

I wish to acknowledge the blessings which Christian Science has brought to me through reading “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” My first demonstration was over the tobacco habit; I had smoked for at least fifteen years: I have now no desire for tobacco.