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Had been in ill-health for several years; had been confined to my bed three months, when I got your book and read it. At first I was unable to read it myself, and others read it to me, and the truth revealed in your book restored me to health.

(Col.) E. J. Smith, Washington, D. C. 

I have been perusing with great interest your work on metaphysical Science, for the last four months, and to great advantage; you make the path to health so plain, that a wayfaring man, though a fool, cannot err therein.

R. I. Barker, Bethel, Me. 

“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” “is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path;” your missiles of Mind have battered down the illusions of sense, allowing Life to appear an eternal monument, whose spirited hieroglyphics, Truth and Love, unlike those cut in marble, shall grow more luminous to consciousness as sickness, sin and death fade out of belief.

Arthur T. Buswell,
Office of Associated Charities, Cincinnati, O.

“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” is beautiful in its form of thought and expression. I have perused it with interest. Your book tends to lead us to new thoughts and practices in the healing art, and for many maladies I have no doubt the treatment your excellent work introduces will be the only remedy.

(Col.) Rob't B, Caverly, Centralville, Mass.