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and difficult. The carnal mind cannot discern spiritual things.

Has Mrs. Eddy lost her power to heal?

Has the sun forgotten to shine, and the planets to revolve around it? Who is it that discovered, demonstrated, and teaches Christian Science? That one, whoever it be, does understand something of what cannot be lost. Thousands in the field of metaphysical healing, whose lives are worthy testimonials, are her students, and they bear witness to this fact. Instead of losing her power to heal, she is demonstrating the power of Christian Science over all obstacles that envy and malice would fling in her path. The reading of her book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” is curing hundreds at this very time; and the sick, unasked, are testifying thereto.

Must I study your Science in order to keep well all my life? I was healed of a chronic trouble after one month's treatment by one of your students.

When once you are healed by Science, there is no reason why you should be liable to a return of the disease that you were healed of. But not to be subject again to any disease whatsoever, would require an understanding of the Science by which you were healed.

Because none of your students have been able to perform as great miracles in healing as Jesus and his disciples did, does it not suggest the possibility that they do not heal on the same basis?

You would not ask the pupil in simple equations to solve a problem involving logarithms; and then, because