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law is not infallible in wisdom; and obedience thereto may be found faulty, since false testimony or mistaken evidence may cause the innocent to suffer for the guilty. Hence the gospel that fulfils the law in righteousness, the genius whereof is displayed in the surprising wisdom of these words of the New Testament: “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” No possible injustice lurks in this mandate, and no human misjudgment can pervert it; for the offender alone suffers, and always according to divine decree. This sacred, solid precept is verified in all directions in Mind-healing, and is supported in the Scripture by parallel proof.

The law and gospel of Truth and Love teach, through divine Science, that sin is identical with suffering, and that suffering is the lighter affliction. To reach the summit of Science, whence to discern God's perfect ways and means, the material sense must be controlled by the higher spiritual sense, and Truth be enthroned, while “we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.”

Cynical critics misjudge my meaning as to the scientific treatment of the sick. Disease that is superinduced by sin is not healed like the more physical ailment. The beginner in sin-healing must know this, or he never can reach the Science of Mind-healing, and so “overcome evil with good.” Error in premise is met with error in practice; yea, it is “the blind leading the blind.” Ignorance of the cause of disease can neither remove that cause nor its effect.

I endeavor to accommodate my instructions to the present capability of the learner, and to support the