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these two genera seem to correspond with those of their pericarpia.

CHRYSOBALANEÆ. The genera forming this order are Chrysobalanus, Moquilea, Grangeria, Coupea, Acioa, Licania, Hirtella, Thelira, and Parinarium, all of which are at present referred by M. de Jussieu to Rosaceæ, and the greater part to his seventh section of that family, namely, Amygdaleæ. If Rosaceæ be considered as an order merely, these genera will form a separate section, connecting it with Leguminosæ. But if, as I have formerly proposed, both these extensive families are to be regarded as natural classes, then they will form an order sufficiently distinct from Amygdaleæ, both in fructitication and habit, as well as in geographical distribution.

The principal distinguishing characters in the fructification of Chrysobalaneæ are the style proceeding from the base of the ovarium; and the ovula (which, as in Amyg- [434 daleæ, are two in number) as well as the embryo being erect. The greater part of Chrysobalaneæ have their flowers more or less irregular; the irregularity consisting in the cohesion of the foot-stalk of the ovarium with one side of the tube of the calyx, and a greater number, or greater perfection of stamina on the same side of the flower.

Professor Smith's herbarium contains only two genera of this order, namely, Chrysobalanus and Parinarium.[1] One species of the former is hardly distinguishable from Chrysobalanus Icaco of America, and is probably a very common plant on the west coast of Africa; Icaco being mentioned by Isert[2] as a native of Guinea, and by Adanson[3] in his account of Senegal

Of Parinarium, there is only one species from Congo, which agrees, in the number and disposition of stamina, with the character given of the genus. In these respects M. de Jussieu[4] has observed a difference in the two species

  1. Juss. Gen. 342. Parinari, Aublet Guian. 514. Petrocarya Schreb. Gen. 629.
  2. Reise nach Guinea, p. 54.
  3. Voyage au Senegal, 175.
  4. Gen. Plant. 342.