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It does not, however, agree with either of those genera in habit, and it is easily distinguished from both by its simple 2U] filaments and other characters, which I shall notice here- after. Is this plant, then, sui (jcneris^ ought it to be united with Alyssum, the character of that genus being modi- fied to receive it ? or does not Alyssum require subdivision, and may not our plant be referred to one of the genera so formed ? A brief result of the examination of these ques- tions, so far as they are connected with the subject under consideration, will be found annexed to the charaater which is given of the genus formed by the union of Lunaria libyca with Alyssum maritimum, a plant also in the collection, from the neighbourhood of Tripoli.

Alyssum maritimum, which is described both as an Alyssum and as a Clypeola by Linnaeus, is the Konig of Aclanson, who founded his generic distinction on the mono- spermous cells and supposed want of glands of the recep- tacle, and M. Desvaux, admitting Adanson's genus, has named it Lobularia. In the second edition of 'Hortus Kewensis' I included this plant in Alyssum, which M. De Candolle has also done in his great w^ork.

Por the genus here proposed I shall adopt Adanson's name, altering only the termination, and wishing it to be considered as commemorating the important services ren- dered to Botany by my friend ]\Ir. Konig, of the British 215] Museum.^ In comparing these two species of Koniga,


Konig. Adans. fam. 2, p. 420. Lobularia. Desvaux in JoimCde Botan. appl. 3, p. 172. Aljssi sp. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, vol. 4, p. 95. De Cand. S>/st. Nat. 2, p. 318. Lunarise sp. Viv. Llbtjc. p. 34. I'arsetiee sp. Spreng. iSj/sl. Veg. 2, p. 871.

CiiAU. Gen. _ Calyx pateus. Vetala integernma. GlajidulcB liypogynte 8 ! FUa menia omu'm cdentula. Sllicula subovata, valvis planiusculis, loculis 1- polyspermis, funiculis basi septo (veiioso, nervo deliquescenti) adnatis. Semina (saipissime) margiiiata. Coti/ledones accumbentcs.

Kerba3_ {anmrn v. perennes) pube hiparlita appressa incan^. Polia hitegerrima suhlinearia. Racemi terminalcs, nunc hasifoUatl. Elores albi.

Calyx basi subasqualis. Petalorum lamina? dilaiatfs. Antherce ovatce. Gkiiu dularum quatuor i)er paria filamenta longiora lateraliter adstantes; reliquas quatuor abbreviatus geminatini filameula breviom stipautes. Dlssepimentum, preeter^r<?o/^^ ultimas (iaminuj dupiicis) trausversim lineares parletibus (tubulis) rectis subparallelis, venis crebre anastomozantibus a neno descendeuti e duobus


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