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Log. " Common on the Murray, and in the interior." D. Sturt.

Desc. Suffrutex pubescens, snbcinereus; ramis striatis nee omnino tcretibus. Folia sesquipoUicaria, linearia, acuta. Fasciculi multiflori. Calycis foliola obtusa, pube tenui cinerascentia. Corolla glabra ; tubo absque squa- nmlis denticulisve, ventricoso ; limbo vix longitudine tubi, laciniis conniventibus sinistrorsum imbricatis. Corona3 foliola e basi dilatata adnata linearia, indivisa. Massae Pollinis (Pollinia) lineares.

Obs. Doubah was originally found by Sir T. Mitchell, but with fruit only, in one of his journeys, and also in his last expedition ; and, according to him, the natives eat the seed-vessel entire, preferring it roasted. Captain Sturt, on the other hand, observes that the natives of the districts where he found it eat only the pulpy seed-vessel, rejecting the seeds.

^2] 16. J ASM IN UM iineare. Br. pro dr. 1, p. 521.

Jasminum Mitchellii. Zi?idl. in Mitch, tvop. Austr. p. 365.

Obs. In Captain Sturt's collection there are perfect specimens of this plant, on which a few remarks may be here introduced, chiefly referring to its very general exist- ence in the sterile regions of the interior of Southern Aus- tralia, and even extending to the north-west coast.

The species was established on specimens which I collected in 180.2, in the sterile exposed tract at the head of Spencer's Gulf. With these I have .compared and found identical j\Ir. A. Cunningham's specimens gathered in the vicinity of the Lachlan, in 1817 ; Captain Sturt's, in his earlier expe- ditions, from the Darhng ; those of Sir Thomas Mitchell, in his different journeys ; and specimens collected in one of the islands of Dampier's Archipelago. In this great extent of range, it exactly agrees with a still more remark- able plant, and one much less likely to belong to a desert country, namely, Clianthus Dampieri.

I have considered Jasminum Mitchellii as hardly a variety of J. Iineare, the character of this supposed species

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