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these cavities exist to the same extent and with similar irregularity from centre to circumference, the}^ may with equal probability be considered as originating from the axis or from the parietes of the ovarium. The vertical section too, if viewed without reference to the external development of the top of the column, exhibits a structure equally anoma- lous. If, however, the corniculate processes terminating the disc of the column be regarded as styles, which is surely the most obvious and not an improbable view, their arrange- ment would lead to the supposition that the ovarium is composed of several concentric circular series of simple pistilla, each having its proper placenta, bearing ovula over its v.'hole surface. But the structure is so much obscured by the complete confluence of the supposed component parts, that this view might not at once present itself. It is readily suggested, however, by the seemingly analogous structure of Ilydiiora, in which the cylindrical placentae, whose number is considerable and apparently indefinite, are all pendulous from the top of the cavity, neither cohering 224] with its sides or base, wholly distinct from each other, and uniformly and densely covered with ovula.

But although this is the most obvious view suggested by liydnora, a more careful examination, especially as to the relation of stigmata to placentae, leads to a very different notion of the composition of the ovarium in that genus : for as the placentse correspond with, and may be said to be continuations of the subdivisions of the stigmata, and as these stigmata appear to be three in number, each with numerous subdivisions diverging from the circumference towards the centre of the ovarium, and each of these sub- divisions bearing one or more placentae pendulous from its internal surface, the ovarium of Hydnora may be regarded as composed of three confluent pistilla, having placentse really parietal, but only produced at the top of the cavity ; the sides of which, however, exhibit no indication whatever of composition.

Between this most remarkable structure of Hydnora and that of Cytimis there is some, though not perhaps a ^^ery obvious analogy, each of the strictly parietal placentae in the


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