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10. R. sessilifolia, foliis quaternis subsessilibus cuncato- oblongis subacuminatis integerrimis, racemis terminalibus verticillatis umbellatisve.

Roupala sessilifolia. Mich, in Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1, p. 106. Poiret, Encyc. Botan. 6, p. 316.* Willd. Bp. PL I, p. 537.

Ropala liameliaefolia. Radge, Gidan. I, p. 22,* t. 31.

Hab. In Americae sequinoctialis Guiana Gallica. (v. s. in Herb. Banks, et Lamb.)


Char. Gen. Calyx tetraphyllus, regularis, foliolis revo- lutis. Stamina calyci extra medium inserta. Glandule? hypogynae quatuor. Ovarium tetraspermum, sessile. Stigma verticale subclavatum. Folliculm coriaceus, styli- gerus, uniloculars. Semina apice alata.

Habitus. Arbor excelsa. Folia sparsa, serrata. Racemi axillares, Jloribus geminatis, paribus unibracteatis. Folli- culi oblongi, tomentosi.

Genus proximum Rhopalae, distinctum, Seminibus qua- ternis, apiee solum alatis.

This genus, which was discovered by Sir Joseph cm Banks, is, with his approbation, named in honour of his friend Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq., the author of many valuable essays on Vegetable Physiology, published in the Philosophical Transactions.

For the figure here given I am also indebted to the liberality of the illustrious President of the Royal Society, who has enabled me to complete the account of this re- markable plant, by permitting me to copy Dr. Solancler's description, which I was the more desirous to give, as it exhibits a specimen of the accuracy with which subjects of natural history were investigated in that celebrated voyage ; of whose important results it is to be lamented so little is known to foreign naturalists, though in this country they have ever been open to the public, and in the most ad- vantageous manner.

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