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thin black-brown crust is interposed between the ripe seeds, exactly corresponding with them in size and form, and which is probably the remains of a fluid matter that had separated them in the unripe state.

The most important characters distinguishing this genus from Lomatia, seem to be the single semiannular or nearly circular gland, the cohering calyx, and the vascular wing of the seed ; for the Involucrum, which at first seems to [198 afford so excellent a distinction, considerably loses its im- portance in Teiopea truncata, in which it almost always includes the rudiments of branches, as in Hakea. In natural affinity Teiopea approaches much more nearly to Oreocallis, which differs principally in having no gland at the base of the footstalk of its ovarium, and in the want of an Involucrum : the wing of the seed seems (from the figure in the Flora Peruviana) to be in like manner vascular. Embothrium itself, which is also very near akin to Teiopea, is distinguishable by its vertical stigma, oval pollen, and naked corymbi.

1. T. speciosissima, foliis cuneato-oblcngis inciso-dentatis venosis cum ramulis involucrisque glaberrimis.

Embothrium speciosissimum. Smith, New HolL 19, t. 7. Sims, Bot, Mac/. 1128.

Embothrium speciosum. Salisb. Par ad. 111.

Embothrium spathulatum. Cav. 1c. 4, p. 60, t. 388. Gcert. Carp. 3, p. 214, #.218.

Hab. In Novae Hollandise ora orientali ; prope Port Jackson : locis saxosis, prsesertim subumbrosis. (ubi v. v.)

2. T. truncata, foliis lanceolato-oblongis integerrimis passimque paucidentatis subtiis ramulisque pubescentulis, involucris extiis tomentosis.

Embothrium truncatum. Lahill. Nov. Roll. 1, p. 32, t. 44.

Obs. Alam seminis in hac apice semper rotundatam in prsecedenti sa3pius truncatam observavimus.

Hab. In Insulse Diemen montibus australioribus. (ubi v. v.)

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