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Char. Gen. CdLyse quadripartitus v. quadrifidus. Stamina apicibus concavis laciniarum irnmersa. Squamulce hypo- gynae quatuor. Ovarium biloculare, loculis monospermis. Fotticulus bilocularis, ligneus : Dissepimento Jibero, bifido. Receptaculum commune planum, floribus indeterminatim confertis, paleis angustis, raro nullis. Involucrum commune imbricatum.

Habitus. Frutices pier unique humiles. Rami dum adsint sparsi vel umbellati. Folia sparsa, pinnatifida v. incisa, plants juvenilis conformia. Involucra solitaria, terminalia, raro later alia sessilia,foliis confertis interioribus quandoque nanis obvallata, hemispJiarica, bracteis adpressis, in qui- busclam apice appendiculatis.

Obs. Dryandra of Thunberg, first published in Flora [212 Japonica, being not generically different from Aleurites, which was previously established by Forster, I have pe- culiar satisfaction in giving the name of my respected friend,. Mr. Dryander, to a genus so nearly related to Banksia, from which indeed it differs chiefly in Inflores- cence, but in that respect so widely as to be at once dis- tinguishable : there is also something in the habit, especially in the leaves of the greater number of species, by which, independent of the parts of fructification, the genus is pretty certainly indicated; and it is worthy of notice, that, while Banksia is generally spread over all the coasts of New Holland and of Van Diemen's Island, Dryandra has hitherto been observed only on that part of the south coast called Levvins Land, where, however, its species are nearly as numerous and abundant as those of Banksia itself.

  • 1. D. floribunda, foliis cuneiformibus inciso-serratis,

involucri bracteis exterioribus glabriusculis, calycis laminis glabris, stigmate subclavato obtuse

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