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Mimetes hirtus.

Scolymocephalos Africanus, foliis brevioribus acuminatis, floribus rubentibus, summis surculis foliis intermistis. Baj. Hist. 3, Bend. p. 10.

Besides the Proteaceae described or noticed in this [22G paper, I am acquainted with several very beautiful species, chiefly of Grevillea and Persoonia, discovered in New Hol- land by Mr. George Caley, a most assiduous and accurate botanist, who, under the patronage of Sir Joseph Banks, has for upwards of eight years been engaged in examining the plants of New South Wales, and whose numerous dis- coveries will, it is hoped, be soon given to the public, either by himself, or in such a manner as to obtain for him that reputation among botanists to which he is well entitled.

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