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tamely slight, and, like the body of the stigma, green; the anthera?, however, were distinctly formed, easily separable [is from the stigma, and their cells, which were absolutely shut, were filled with a turbid fluid, the parts of which did not so cohere as to separate in a mass ; of the cuculli, which in the expanded flower are so remarkable, and constitute the essential character of the genus, there was no appearance.

In the next stage submitted to examination, where the corolla nearly equalled the calyx in length, the gland-like bodies of the stigma were become visible, and consisted of two nearly filiform, light brown, parallel, contiguous and membranaceous substances, secreted by the sides of the furrow, which was now somewhat deeper : instead of the filiform processes, a gelatinous matter occupied an obliquely descending depression proceeding from towards the base of each side of the angular furrow.

In a somewhat more advanced stage, the membranes which afterwards become the glands of the stigma were found to be linear, closely approximated, and to adhere at their upper extremity. At the same time the gelatinous substance in the oblique depression had acquired a nearly membranaceous texture and a light brown colour, and on separating the gland from its furrow, which was then practicable, this membrane followed it. At this period, too, the contents of each cell of the anthera had acquired a certain degree of solidity, a determinate form, and were separable from the cell in one mass ; the cuculli were [i6 also observable, but still very small and green, nearly scutelliform, having a central papilla, the rudiment of the future horn-like process. Immediately previous to the bursting of the cells of the anthera?, which takes place a little before the expansion of the corolla, the cuculli are completely formed, and between each, a pair of minute light green fleshy teeth are observable, the single teeth of each pair being divided from each other by the descending alae of the anthera?. The glands of the stigma have ac- quired a form between elliptical and rhomboidal, a carti- laginous texture, and a brownish-black colour; they are easily separable from the secreting furrow, and on their

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