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Anther ce membrana terminate.

Massce pollinis basi affixse, conniventes, compressae.

Stigma depressum, papilla obtusa.

Folliculi laeves. Semina comosa.

Habitus. Caulis suffruticosus, volubilis, v. decumbens. Folia opposita, carnosa, v. raembranacea. Umbella inter- petiolares, multiflorse.

Patria. India Orientalis, China, et Nova Hollandia tropica.

Obs. I have named this genus in honour of Mr. Thomas Hoy, whose merits as an intelligent and successful [27 cultivator have been long known to the botanists of this country. I have added specific characters of the only two species with which I am acquainted ; but Hoy a carnosa probably includes several species, which can only be deter- mined from living specimens : it is also to be considered as the type of the genus, Hoya viridiflora differing in some degree in the structure of its corona, and considerably in habit.

1. H. carnosa, foliis ovali-oblongis carnosis, corollis barbatis, coronas foliolis subtus sulcatis !

Asclepias carnosa, Li?m. suppl. 170. Murr. syst. veg. ed. U,p. 260. Willd. I, p. 1264. Pers. syn. l,p. 275. Sims in bot.magaz. t. 788. Smith, exot. hot. 2, p. 21, /. 70.

Stapelia Chinensis, Lour. Cochin. \,p. 205, fide specim. ab auctore missi in Herb. Banks.

Hab. In Asise tropica? variis regionibus, etiam in Nova Hollandia (ubi et in hort. Angl. v. v.)

2. H. viridiflora, foliis ovatis acuminatis membranaceis corollisque glabris, coronse foliolis exsulcis.

Asclepias volubilis, Linn, suppl. 170*. Willd. sp. pi. I, p. 1269. Pers. syn. I, p. 276.

Watta-haka-codi, Bheed. Malab. 9, p. 25, t. 15.

Hab. Inter frutices in nemorosis Zeylonae, /. G. Kipuuj, in Herb. Banks, (ubi v. s,)


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