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alternd) indivisa. Capitiila ovata, terminalia, ierna (vel

so/if aria). Paleae lanceolate. Corollas alhidce. Anthers bast truncate

Obs. I have so constructed the generic character of Isocarpha as to include Spilanthm atriplic if alius of Linnaeus, which, however, differs very remarkably from Galea oppositifolia in having alternate leaves and soli- tary capitula, as well as in the texture and form of its paleae.

The pappus, consisting of three or four very minute aristae, described by Swartz 1 in Calea oppositifolia, I have not been able to observe in any of the specimens that I have examined.

The third species, Galea Amelias, is probably the same plant as Bidens scandens, which Linnaeus described in Hortus Cliffortianus, but, having no specimen in his own collection, appears to have forgotten. The original speci- men in Clifford's Herbarium, now in the possession of Sir Joseph Banks, evidently belongs to the same species, and perhaps to the same individual, with a specimen in Miller's collection, which Mr. Dryander compared, and considered to agree with Calea Amellus of the Linnean Herbarium. The true synonym, therefore, of Calea Amellus is " Bidens mi suffruticosus vimineus, foliis oblongo-ovatis oppositis, flo- ribus comosis" of Browne f while Linnaeus has quoted and even derived his specific name from the same author's " Amellus ramosus, foliis remotis terminalibus, fulcris longis divaricatis ;" 3 which, instead of belonging to Bidens scandens, I believe, for the following reasons, to be Bidens nivea. 1st, The figure in Burmann's Thesaurus Zeylani- cus, 4 quoted by Browne for his plant, though belonging to Lavenia erccta, is at the same time a good representation of Bidens nivea, and very unlike Bidens scandens. 2dlv, Browne's description in most respects very well agrees with

1 In Obs. Bot. p. 302. 2 Browne, Jam. 317. 3 I. c.

4 Eupat.oriophalacrum scrophularise aquaticae foliis oppositis, Burm. Thesaur. Zeyl. p. 95, t. 42.

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