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obtusae, piano-con vexae, vix longitudine Radicalce cylin- draceae, superae.

Notwithstanding the great difference between my account of this plant and that given by M. de Jussieu of Acicarpha tribuloides, I have very little doubt that they both belong- to the same genus ; though from the above description it is evident that Acicarpha spathulata is not referable to Compositae. To this plant Calycera of Cavanilles, in the seeds of which M. Correa has found albumen, seems to be very nearly related ; and a third genus, probably refer- able to this group, is Boopis, described by M. cle Jussieu in the same Memoir with Acicarpha. The important characters, however, of the pendulous ovulum and inverted embryo remain to be ascertained in all these; and the presence of albumen in Acicarpha tribuloides (in Acicarpha lanata of Lagasca in Pers. Syn. ii. p. 488, if it really belong to this genus), and in both species of Boopis. Another [132 question respecting the latter genus is, whether its capitu- lum be simple, as it certainly is in Acicarpha spathulata ; or compound, as Jussieu's figure of Boopis anthemoides seems to indicate.

In the mean time, with the necessary knowledge of structure of Acicarpha spathulata only, I shall venture to propose this group as a distinct natural family to be placed between Compositae and Dipsaceae ; though upon the whole somewhat more nearly approaching to Compositae. This family, if my conjectures respecting Calycera and Boopis should be hereafter verified, may be called CALYCEREiE ; Acicarpha even as a generic name being barely tenable, provided the original species agrees with that here described : for on this supposition M. de Jussieu has mistaken the laciniae of the perianthium for paleae of the receptacle, deriving the name of the genus from their form ; and has entirely overlooked the real paleae, which, though they could not have suggested this name, may however sanction its being retained, if it be not still better to change it to A ci carp a.

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