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The beautiful ramification of the veins, and their union, from which the sorus originates in Matonia, is not alto- gether peculiar to it. Among the genera of Polypodiacece having an indusium, one remarkable example occurs in a genus as yet undescribed (Hypoderris), which with an indusium not materially different from that of Woodsia, has exactly the habit of Aspidium trifoliatum ; while of those genera of Polypodiacece which are without an indu- sium, the same kind of vascularity is found in an extensive and very natural section of Polypodium, to which Polypo- dium phymatodes and the greater number of those species sorts saccatis belong. — Brown.

Cometes. (Burra. Flor. Ind. p. 39). it

Calyx 5-partitus, Petala nulla. Stamina imo calyci inserta, fere hypogyna, antherifera 5, infra cum totidem sterilibus membranaceis in urceolum connata. Anthers 2-loculares. Ovarium 1-spermum, ovulo adscendente funiculo e basi cavitatis orto. Stylus 1. Stigmata 3. Pericarpium : Utriculus calyce persistente inclusus, ap- pendicibus setaceo-ramosis, post anthesin auctis et expansis involucratis. Semen adscendens, chalaza laterali. Albu- men unilaterale. Embryo periphericus rectus ; radicula infera. — Brown MSS.

Ordo Naturalis : Cum Pterantho Forsk. parvulum tribum efformat, hinc IUecebreis proximum, inde ad Amaranthaceas veras per Desmochcetam, Diyeram, et Saltiam Nob. hodie (quae Achyranthus papposa Forsk.) minus arete tamen accedens. — Brown.

Habitus: Herbae (annuae?) ramosas oppositifoliae. Folia integerrima, stipulis scariosis, subsetaceis, vel late- ralibus liberis, vel basi cum petiolo connatis. Pedunculi e superioribus alis alterni, apice 3-flon. Bracte^e ternationis singular 6, quarum 2 oppositse communes ; reliquse 4 per paria floribus lateralibus, intra communes pedicello brevis- simo insidentibus, pertinentes, subulatae : singuke appen- dice (ramo mutato) axilla ri, setaceo-diviso, ramulis sub anthesi fasciculatim approximatis. florescentia peracta auctis

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