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quadrat Staminibus cum calycis segmentis alternantibus ; cestivatione valvata ; Pericarpio inclehiscente.

Tab. XLVIII. Fig. 1. A flowering male branch of lodes ovalis. Fig. 2. The outer perianthium. Fig. 3. The deeply divided inner perianthium or corolla. Fig. 4. An anthera burst longitudinally, with insertion at base. Fig. 5. Rudiment of ovarium in male flower. Fig. 6. Ovarium after flowering, subtended by one only of the perianthia. Fig. 7. The same laid open, to show the number and insertion of ovula. Fig. 8. A ripe drupe, natural size. Fig. 9. The seed. Fig. 10. The seed cut open lengthways, to show the relative proportion of albumen and embryo. Fig. 11. The embryo inverted in respect to pericarpium.

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