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Mr. Brown, and presents a critical view of the scientific history of the species.

We understand that three species of Artabotrys, besides the present, are already known, one of which with curiously small flowers has been recently discovered by Dr. Horsfleld during his residence in Java, and is in the rich Her- barium that gentleman has brought to this country.

Bot. Reg. 423 (1820).

Modecca. F/ores diclines (dioici v. monoici). Cat. 5-fidus. Petala 5, calyci inserta. Squama (Nectarium, Linn . ) , n um ero defi n it ee ( 5 — 10) r aro nullge . Mas. Stam ina 5 ; anther a stantes. Fem. Caps, (pedicellata) unilocularis 3-valvis polysperma. Herbse {India Orientals, Nova? Holla?idia, et Africa JFquinoctialis) scandentes cirrhis axillaribus simplicibus vel e divisuris pedunculorum. Folia lobata v. indivisa basi et subtus sapius glandulosa. Pedun- culi axillares apice divisi dichotomiis cirr/iiferis. Brown MSS.

Bot. Reg. 433 (1820).

Cryptostegia. Cor. infundibuliformis : tubus squamis 5, inclusis (bipartitis subulatis) laciniis limbi alternantibus. Stamina inclusa, imo tubo inserta ; filamentis distinctis ; antheris basi stigmate cohserentibus. Glandules 5, spathu- latse, angulorum stigmatis pollen granulosum (simplex) colligentes. Ovaria 2. Stgli 2. Stigma (commune) pen-

tagonum. Folliculi Semina comosa. — Frutex

volubilis, glaber. Folia opposita. Pedunculi terminates, 3-fidi. Flores speciosi. Corolla cestivatione contorta. Folli- culi ungidati, divaricatissimi. Browm MSS.

Cryptostegia grandiflora. Brown MSS.

Cryptostegia is founded upon a single species, native of the Peninsula of India, where it was first observed by Dr. Roxburgh, and strangely mismatched by him with the species of the genus Nerium, belonging to the Apocynea ; while our plant belongs to the third section of Mr. Brown's Asclepiadea, distinguished from the other sections by granular solitary pollen-masses and filaments which are

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