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umbels of flowers, which are very numerous in each umbel, and ovate-lanceolate leaves : Mr. Brown has named this Hoy a nicobarica" Traill, Accounts and Desertions of several plants belonging to the genus Hoya, &c., in the ' Transactions of the Horticultural Society/ vol. vii, London, 1830.

Mayna, Baddi.

" Hire stellung im Natiirlichen System betreffend, reiht sich unsere Pflanze unstreitig zunachst an die Flacour- tianece und Bixinece. Wir haben sie vorlaufig mit Frage- zeichen zu ersterer Familie in die Nahe von Hydnocarjms gestellt, miissen aber dabei einer miindlichen 2Eusserung R. Brown's gedenken, gemass welcher sie mit Hydnocarjms und Gynocardia, Roxb., eine eigene Familie bilden diirfte, deren Aufstellang unser unsterblicher meister hoffentlich spater selbst ubernehmen wird. Zuccarini in Fasciculus Secundus Plantarum Minus Cognitarum, in Abhandlungen der Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie, band ii, p. 368 (1837).

Prof. Buckland acknowledges assistance from Mr. Brown, in determining the nature of the fossils, for which he states that, at Mr. Brown's suggestion, he had established a new family with the designation Cycadoidece. Transactions of Geological Society of London, 2nd series, vol. ii, p. 395. [Bead June Qtk, 1828.)

In a note following the Preface to. Dr. Buckland's ' Bridgewater Treatise/ 2 vols., 8vo, 1836, the author says —

" The scientific reader will feel that much additional value has been added to the present w T ork — from the botanical part having been submitted to Mr. Robert Brown."

It is probable that most of the observations on the struc- ture of Cycadece and Cycadeous fossils, both in this work and in Prof. Buckland's Paper in the ' Geological Transac- tions/ were contributed by Mr. Brown ; but the following are the only particulars for which he is specifically quoted :

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