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��ture of, 716-719; Saxbyanus, account of, 724

Cyrtandraceae, observations on, and monograph of the order, 584 — 610 ; history of the order, 584 — 586 ; affinity of, 386—588; relation of stigmata and placentae in, 386

Cyrtandreae, modifications of the dif- ferent parts of fructification in, 590—594

Datura, arrangement of nerves in the corolla of, 267

Dawsonia, nature and origin of its peristomium and columella, 331-2

Decandolle's ' SystemaVegetabilium,' names, &c, of plants contributed by Mr. Brown to, 703 ; ' Prodro- mus,' names, &c., of plants, contri- buted to, 705

Dipsacese, inflorescence of, and order of expansion of flowers in, 277-8 ; position of ovarium in, 314-5

Dryander, advice and assistance de- rived from him, 31

Dryandra, observations on the genus, 179

Echinops, nature of capitulum, 274-5 Embryo, direction of, in the Stercu-

liacese, 621-2 Ernodea, arrangement of nerves in the

corolla of, 267 Euphorbia, its inflorescence, 279 and

note, 280 ; relative position of sexes

in, 280

Ferns, number of species known to Linnaeus, 251; to Willdenow, ibid. ; known in, 1838, 565 ; vasa scala- riformia, their arrangement in, 564 ; ramification of veins, and relation of veins to sori in, 565 — 570; seeds of, useful in distinguishing genera, 276

Eitton, Dr., notice of fossil Coniferae and Cycadeae in his paper • On the Strata below the Chalk,' 720-1

Franklin, extracts from the botanical appendix to his ' Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 5 and addenda, 511—527

Fruit of Proteaceae, its nature, 21, 22 ; its varieties in the order, 22

Globularia cordifolia, arrangement of

��the nerves of the corolla in 315-6

Goodenia, separability of calyx and of adhering tube of the corolla in some species of, 267

Goodenoviae, arrangement of nerves in the corolla of, 266 ; its analogy to that of Compositae, 267 note ; aesti- vation of corolla in, 269 note ; type of pistillum and reductions of, 272 ; structure of the indusium of its stigma, 312

Gramineae, nature of inflorescence of, 276-7 ; order of expansion of flowers in, 277; composition of inner valve of the flower in, 571-2

Grevillea, exceptional order of expan- sion of the flowers in certain species of, 280

Grindelia, history, characters, and ex- tent of the genus, 282-3

Gymnostomum, structure of various species referred to the genus, 342 — 5; great diversity in these species, ibid.

Hedychium, account of a new sub- genus and species of, 725-6

Hernandiaceae, observations on the family, 651

Horner, Mr. Leonard, note on coni- ferous wood in his paper on the ' Geology of Bonn, 5 719

Horsfield, extracts from his 'Plantae Javanicae Rariores, 5 557, &c.

Hortus Kewensis, extracts from the second edition of, 367 — 510

Humboldt, his observations on a re- markable difference in the distribu- tion of the species of plants, 12

Hymenostomum, establishment of the genus, 342

Incarvillea, observations on the genus, 725

Indian plants, names of and notes on, extracted from Dr. Wallich 5 s ' List, 5 529 — 538 ; notes and observations on, extracted from Dr. Wallich 5 s 'Plantae Asiaticae Rariores, 5 539 — 556

Inflorescence, types of, and order of expansion of flowers, 272 — 2S1 ; in Compositae, ibid. ; in Umbelli- ferae, 273 note; in Gramineae, 276-7;

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