Page:Miscellanies - With a biographical sketch by Ralph Waldo Emerson and a general index to the writings. -- by Thoreau, Henry David.djvu/387

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  1. the fruit and flavor of the,
  2. beauty of the,
  3. naming of the,
  4. last gleaning of the,
  5. the frozen-thawed,
  6. dying out of the wild,
  7. Apple-blossoms,
    6, 42.
  8. Applee-howling,
    9, 366.
  9. Apples, the world eating green,
    2, 123; 7, 83, 95, 96, 134, 136, 212, 460.
  10. Apples, wild,
    7, 134, 136, 212.
  11. "Apple-tree, Elisha's,"
    1, 470;
  12. buds on, in February,
    8, 343.
  13. Apple-trees,
    6, 89;
  14. Cape Cod,
    4, 36-38.
  15. Apprentices, the abundance of,
    1, 160.
  16. April, waters,
    5, 328;
  17. rain,
  18. sunshine,
  19. Arabians, botany indebted to,
    8, 222.
  20. Arborescence of plants,
    5, 120.
  21. Arbor-vitæ,
    6, 35.
  22. Arch, the,
    6, 246.
  23. Archangelica,
    6, 178.
  24. Archer, Gabriel, quoted,
    4, 296.
  25. Arches,
    6, 245.
  26. Architecture, need of relation between man, truth and,
    2, 75, 76;
  27. American,
    4, 32;
  28. the new,
    10, 54.
  29. Arctic animals, metaphorical allusion to,
    8, 49.
  30. Arctic voyagers, obligation of, to invent amusements,
    8, 66.
  31. Ardea minor (bittern, stake-drirer),
    6, 28, 59, 107, 130, 156, 193; 7, 70, 78, 159.
  32. Arenaria Groenlandica,
    6, 20.
  33. See Sandwort.
  34. Arethusa (Arethnsa bulbosa),
    6, 12, 44, 113, 159, 163, 187, 198, 347.
  35. See Pogonia.
  36. Arethusa Meadow,
    6, 12, 113.
  37. Argument,
    5, 56.
  38. Aristotle, quoted,
    1, 165, 476;
  39. almost the first to write systematically on animals,
    8, 35;
  40. on spawning of fishes,
  41. Arm-chairs for fishermen,
    1, 113.
  42. Arnica mollis,
    6, 297.
  43. Aroostook (Me.), road,
    3, 2;
  44. River,
  45. road, the,
  46. wagon, an,
  47. valley,
  48. sleds of the,
  49. Arpent, the,
    9, 75.
  50. Arrow-headiferous sands of Concord,
    9, 420.
  51. Arrowheads,
    1, 22; 5, 39, 132, 256;
  52. Indian,
    6, 13, 127; 7, 84, 117, 120, 173, 344; 8, 132.
  53. See Spear-heads.
  54. Art, Nature and,
    1, 419; 7, 89;
  55. works of,
  56. Arthur, name of, in Bretagne,
    8, 37.
  57. Artist, the,
    5, 231; 6, 214.
  58. Arum berries,
    7, 25.
  59. Arrida Emmonsii (mus leucopos),
    5, 130.
  60. Asclepias Comuti,
    7, 50.
  61. Ash,
    7, 79.
  62. Ash, black,
    6, 42; 7, 41.
  63. Ash, mountain,
    6, 18, 299; 7, 16, 181.
  64. Ash, white,
    6, 59; 7, 41, 210.
  65. Ashbumham (Mass.),
    9, 3;
  66. with a better house than any in Canada,
  67. Ashes, white, used for pearl ash,
    8, 100.
  68. Ash-trees,
    9, 7.
  69. Asiatic, Russia, Mme. Pfeiffer in,
    2, 38.
  70. Aspen (Populus),
    6, 34, 96, 121, 212, 333; 6, 57; 7, 41, 57, 312, 354, 364, 422.
  71. See Poplar.
  72. Aspen leaves, the green of,
    9, 420.
  73. Aspidium cristatum,
    7, 186.
  74. Aspidium spinulosum,
    7, 186.
  75. See Ferns.
  76. Aspirations,
    7, 154;
  77. no expression for present,
    8, 310.
  78. Assabet,
    7, 89, 114, 137, 167, 193, 240, 260, 288, 310, 408, 434, 452; 8, 177, 414.
  79. Assabet Bath,
    6, 53, 105, 144; 7, 345.
  80. Assabet (or North) River, the,
    1, 4; 3, 142; 5, 234, 250, 296, 327; 6, 14, 28, 37, 55, 58, 116, 196, 210, 318; 9, 166, 445.
  81. Assabet Spring,
    5, 327;
  82. otter trail near,
    8, 415.
  83. Associates,
    7, 421.
  84. See Acqiuantances, Companions, Friends, Neighbors.
  85. Aster,
    3, 117; 6, 89; 7, 42, 70, 79, 147;
  86. savory-leaved,
    8, 30.
  87. Aster multiflorus,
    7, 29.
  88. Aster tradescanti,
    7, 29.
  89. Aster undulatus,
    6, 89; 7, 239, 318.
  90. Astrology, germ of higher truth in,
    8, 216.
  91. Astronomy,
    1, 507-610;
  92. at the district school,
    8, 217.
  93. Atlantides, The, verse,
    1, 345.
  94. Atlantis, fabulous,
    8, 168;
  95. tradition from earliest account of,
  96. Atlas,
    2, 132.
  97. Atlas, the General,
    3, 115.
  98. Atmosphere, peculiar state of,
    8, 146, 175;
  99. condition of, for mirage,
    359, 360.
  100. See Air.