Page:Miscellanies - With a biographical sketch by Ralph Waldo Emerson and a general index to the writings. -- by Thoreau, Henry David.djvu/390

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  1. Birch, white,
    6, 108, 207; 7, 29, 41, 169, 190, 220, 297, 353; 8, 113.
  2. Birch, yellow,
    6, 303; 8, 111, 112, 113.
  3. Birds, living with the,
    2, 135;
  4. in the wilderness,
    3, 143;
  5. about Moosehead Lake,
  6. about Mud Pond carry,
  7. near Chamberlain Lake,
  8. on Heron Lake,
  9. on East Branch,
  10. on Cape Cod,
    4, 134, 135, 156, 196;
  11. of the winter,
    5, 31;
  12. of early March,
  13. arrival in spring,
    6, 2;
  14. protected by leaves,
  15. in early morning,
    10, 35, 151, 170, 321-324;
  16. migrating,
  17. behavior of smaller, towards birds of prey,
  18. unrecognized species,
    114, 102, 301;
  19. songs decreasing as summer advances,
    90, 158, 168;
  20. coloring and markings of young,
  21. about the mountains,
  22. singing July 10th,
  23. imitations of their songs,
  24. which sing for the love of music,
  25. interregnum in singing,
  26. singing in fog,
    345, 346;
  27. but borderers upon the earth,
    7, 13;
  28. in early fall,
    69, 79, 80;
  29. departure of,
  30. inquisitiveness of,
  31. fall plumage of,
  32. motions of,
  33. collection of,
  34. in late fall,
    319, 400;
  35. society of,
  36. small, in winter,
  37. diet of, in winter,
  38. ruby-crowned,
  39. and mountains,
    9, 182.
  40. See under names of species.
  41. Birds' nests, linings of,
    6,' 57, 226; 7, 238;
  42. construction of,
    8, 171, 203.
  43. Birds' songs, awakening us,
    8, 35;
  44. imitations of,
  45. an unrecognized song described,
  46. quality of,
  47. beard through the fog,
    345, 346.
  48. Biscuit Brook,
    1, 469.
  49. Bittern (Ardea minor, stake-driver),
    1 309; 6, 28, 59, 107, 130, 150, 193; 7, 70, 78, 159;
  50. the green,
  51. booming of the,
    9, 137;
  52. the great,
  53. Bittern Cliff,
    5, 245, 278; 6, 126, 157; 7, 392; 8, 311.
  54. Black Birch Hill,
    6, 89.
  55. Black Knight, The, verse,
    10, 361.
  56. Blackberry,
    6, 90, 133, 160, 199; 7, 17, 29.
  57. Blackbird,
    5, 43, 74, 91, 123, 130, 161, 164, 170, 180, 297, 299, 311, 324, 341; 6, 47, 67, 83, 101, 131, 170; 7, 88.
  58. See Grackle.
  59. Blackbird, red-winged (Redwing)
    6, 8, 66, 115; 7, 47, 68, 70.
  60. Blackfish, driven ashore in storm,
    4, 170-176; 7, 402.
  61. Black-flies, protection against,
    3, 292, 304; 6, 301, 302, 308.
  62. Bladderwort (utricularia vulgaris),
    6, 84, 101, 210.
  63. Blake, H. G. O.,
    7, 240.
  64. Bleat of sheep,
    7, 148.
  65. Blood, Perez,
    7, 425.
  66. Bloom,
    7, 213, 214, 368.
  67. Blue curls (Trichostéma dichotomum),
    5, 135; 6, 332; 7, 368, 399, 433.
  68. Blue flag (Iris versicolor),
    6, 66, 109, 134, 193, 266.
  69. See Iris prismatica.
  70. Blueberries,
    3, 79, 370; 6, 27, 30, 50, 62, 65, 66, 89, 213, 236, 257, 264, 315, 356; 7, 26, 27, 118, 283, 314, 413;
  71. species of, in New England,
    8, 68, 69;
  72. in snow,
    152, 153;
  73. buds of,
    152, 252;
  74. and milk, supper of,
    9, 177; 411.
  75. Blueberry bush,
    8, 16.
  76. Bluebird,
    5, 3, 27, 33, 39, 42, 43, 112, 140, 159, 167, 169, 299, 319; 6, 51, 124, 153, 229, 356; 7, 28, 79, 80,

    91, 192, 224; 8, 53, 54, 404, 405, 430; 9, 136.

  77. Blue-eyed grass,
    6, 51, 66, 109, 141, 165, 193, 347.
  78. Blue-jays,
    6, 102, 189;
  79. alarm given by,
    8, 73.
  80. Blueuess of air in a mild day,
    8, 179;
  81. of the sky,
  82. on the horizon,
  83. of distant woods,
  84. Bluets (houstonia),
    6, 294; 7, 37, 79, 198, 217; 8, 71.
  85. Boarding,
    5, 48.
  86. Boat, T.'s,
    1, 15;
  87. hints for making a,
    16; 7, 355, 388, 389, 436.
  88. Boat-building,
    1, 283.
  89. Boatmen, the pleasant lives of,
    1, 273-280.
  90. Bobolink,
    6, 129, 150, 158, 189, 216, 230, 261, 282, 308;
  91. song described,
    8; 9, 139.
  92. Bodæus, quoted,
    9, 389.
  93. Bodies,
    6, 197.
  94. Body, man's, a temple,
    2, 315; 7, 56, 430;
  95. energy of, corresponding to an effort of mind,
    8, 202;
  96. warmed by what fire?
  97. resemblances developed in emaciation of the,
  98. never quite acclimated to atmosphere of genius,
    379; 417.
  99. Bog, with hard bottom,
    2, 509.
  100. Boiling Spring,
    6, 148.