Page:Miscellanies - With a biographical sketch by Ralph Waldo Emerson and a general index to the writings. -- by Thoreau, Henry David.djvu/392

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  1. Broom pods,
    7, 2.
  2. Brown, James P., Pond Hole,
    7, 237, 344.
  3. Brown, John,
    7, 260, 277, 290, 363, 382;
  4. the truth about,
    10, 197;
  5. the Kansas troubles,
    198, 203-205;
  6. occupation, descent, and character,
  7. newspaper opinions of,
  8. absurdly called insane,
  9. small following of,
  10. example of death of,
    229, 230;
  11. feeling of divine appointment,
  12. why guilty of death,
  13. quoted,
    234, 235;
  14. the last days of,
  15. effect of the words of,
  16. editors' opinions of,
  17. not dead,
    247, 248;
  18. T.'s speech in Concord after the death of,
  19. Brown, Simon,
    7, 362;
  20. old sketch of Concord Jail belonging to,
    8, 361;
  21. echo behind house of,
    368, 369.
  22. Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted,
    1, 86; 4, 188.
  23. Brown's scrub oak lot,
    8, 136.
  24. Brute Neighbors,
    2, 347-368.
  25. Bubbles, reflections from,
    5, 178; 6, 30.
  26. Buck-beans,
    6, 77, 123.
  27. Buckland, Curiosities of Natural History, quoted,
    4, 98.
  28. Buckwheat,
    9, 444.
  29. Buddha and Christ,
    1, 85.
  30. Buds,
    5, 64; 7, 283, 364, 377, 413;
  31. book on,
    8, 251;
  32. interest of, in winter,
  33. winter thoughts like,
  34. balm of Gilead,
  35. Buffoonery, a relief,
    8, 238.
  36. Buffam, Jonathan, lecture in parlor of,
    8, 174;
  37. description of sea serpent by,
  38. Bug from an egg in table of apple wood, the,
    2, 513.
  39. Building one's own house, significance of,
    2, 74;
  40. advice of Columella on,
    8, 176.
  41. Bull-frogs,
    6, 2, 28, 36, 54, 69, 70, 84, 134, 135, 144, 148, 151, 152, 153, 160, 194, 262; 7, 23.
  42. See Frog.
  43. Bullocks,
    '7, 305.
  44. See Oxen.
  45. Bulls,
    6, 186.
  46. Bumble-bees,
    7, 42, 46.
  47. Bunchberry (dwarf cornel),
    6, 43.
  48. Bunker Hill,
    8, 60;
  49. a huckleberry hill,
    8, 70.
  50. Bunker Hill Monument,
    7, 71.
  51. Buonaparte, C. Lucien,
    6, 28.
  52. Buried money,
    1, 258.
  53. Burlington (Vt.),
    9, 8, 123.
  54. Burns, Anthony,
    10, 193.
  55. Burns, Robert,
    7, 454.
  56. Burnt Ground, the,
    3, 370.
  57. Burnt land, the,
    3, 34, 93.
  58. "Burntibus,"
    3, 397.
  59. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, quoted,
    8, 365; 9, 279, 280.
  60. Business,
    6, 202, 270;
  61. dealings,
    7, 274.
  62. See Effort and Work.
  63. Business habits, strict, indispensable,
    2, 33.
  64. Busk, Indian feast of first fruits,
    2, 108.
  65. "But since we sailed," verse,
    1, 19.
  66. Butter-and-eggs,
    6, 231.
  67. Buttercup, bulbous (Ranunculus bulbosus),
    7, 305.
  68. Buttercup, creeping (Ranunculus repens),
    7, 79, 239, 318.
  69. Buttercup, early (early crowfoot),
    7, 297.
  70. Buttercup, tall,
    7, 318.
  71. Buttercups,
    6, 41, 62, 83, 184; 7, 321.
  72. See Crowfoot and Ranunculus.
  73. Butterfly,
    7, 42;
  74. beauty of the,
    9, 417, 418;
  75. a blue,
  76. Butterfly, buff-edged (mourning cloak, Vanessa Antiopa),
    6, 253, 304, 322; 7, 197.
  77. Butterfly, common yellow,
    7, 197, 270.
  78. Butterfly, small red,
    6, 293.
  79. Butternut,
    6, 308; 9, 7, 463.
  80. Button-bush,
    6, 115, 155; 7, 182.
  81. Button-wood,
    6, 128; 7, 41.
  82. Buttrick's Plain,
    1, 64.
  83. Buzzard, Short-winged,
    5, 250.
  84. Buzzing sound near Brittan's Camp,
    8, 169.
  85. Byron, Lord,
    7, 398.
  86. C. Miles road,
    5, 104.
  87. C., W. E.,
    7, 18, 239, 357, 370, 458;
  88. to Saw Mill Brook with,
    8, 53.
  89. Cabinet Council, Sir Walter Raleigh's,
    8, 146.
  90. Cabot, the discoveries of,
    4, 281.
  91. Cabs, Montreal,
    9, 22;
  92. Quebec,
  93. Caddis-worms,
    7, 136, 137, 317; 9, 208.
  94. Caen, Emery de, quoted,
    9, 64.
  95. Cake, Huckleberry,
    8, 143, 144.
  96. Caleche, the (see Cabs),
    9, 86.
  97. Calidas, the Sacontala, quoted,
    1, 227; 2, 491.
  98. California, the rush to,
    10, 263-265.
  99. Calla palustris,
    6, 283.
  100. Calla Swamp,
    6, 86, 87.
  101. Calopogon pulchellus,
    6, 347.