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February 13, 1930. The Model Engineer and Practical Electrician.

1 3/16th ins. Above and below this width the static thrust fell off. This was determined by gradually reducing a wide blade to a narrow blade. Weight of Propeller. The weight of a propeller should also be taken into consideration, which few except the ultra light-weight model. builders do. However, the inexperienced model flyer should not start off with a light-weight propeller because he will probably very soon break it, for reasons which need not be gone into here. But an impression prevails that a heavy propeller has a flywheel effect which helps to keep up its speed. This is a fallacy. Any model engineer knows that the heavier the flywheel the more power required to drive it at a constant speed. The same applies to propellers, and consequently a light propeller requires less power to drive it than does a heavy one. What really happens is when the power is shut off a heavy propeller will continue to run for a little longer time than a light one, which is no advantage. The weight of the 12-in. propeller to be described later was exactly i oz., the minimum weight allowed by the rules of the static thrust competition. It was made of walnut wood, laminated. Shapes of Blades. Many designs of propellers have been tested on the “ Thrustometer," as it has been aptly named by the Harrow Scientific Society, but none has given such good results as the old Chauviere pattern. This type has been superseded by more symmetrical designs in full-sized work owing to the unequal stresses imposed upon it at high speeds and constant danger of distortion and fracture. But this matters little in model work, as the blades are strong enough to resist all strains imposed on them in actual flying. A symmetrical design is frequently met with on commercial model aeroplanes, the chief reason being its immunity from breakage with rough landings in the hands of those who have never handled a model aeroplane before.


The meetings are free to all members of the S.M.A.E., affiliated clubs, and anyone interested in model aviation wil be heartily welcomed. Visits.—Following the very successful visits to the factories of the Desoutter Aircraft Co. and Messrs. Hawker recently, a further outing has been arranged for March 1, when Dr. А.Р. Thurston will conduct a party over the aeronautical section of the Science Museum, South Kensington (South Kensington Station, District Railway). There will be no charge, but members of the S.M.A.E. or affiliated clubs who wish to join this party should notify the hon. secretary by post-card as soon as possible. The place of meeting will be the entrance to the Science Museum, and the time 3 p.m. Hon.











The Model Aircraft Club. (T.M.A.C.) The flying season of The Model Aircraft Club will begin on Saturday, March 1, at 2.30 p.m., on Wimbledon Common (near the Windmill), when a grand display of flying models will be held, including petrol, compressed air, rubber driven, heavy and light models. All members should make a special effort to be present. Will all members of T.M.A.C., provincial or otherwise,


a note in their diaries that

the first Saturday in the month is booked for competitions and displays under T.M.A.C. rules during 1930. Rules and full particulars of meetings will be published at an early date. All communications should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary, A. E. Jones, 48, Narcissus Road, West Hampstead, N.W.6 (Phone,

Hampstead The






the Y.M.C.A., Tottenham Court Road, W.C., were arranged: Tuesdays, February 18, March 4

Our first meeting took place on January g. The following resolutions were adopted :— (a) The aims and objects in view comprise a scientific study of the problems of flight in the least expensive way. (b) Officers elected: Gliding Instructor, Mr. F. Granger; Hon. Secretary, Mr. F. A. Lowe; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. Worrell; Committee, Captain Narbeth and Mr. P. Reynolds. (c) Subscription would be nominal for working expenses only, any expenses incurred with full-size gliding will be footed separately, also prizes for model competitions. (d) A generous offer of a complete biplane glider, ‘‘ The Linnet," was readily accepted under the conditions presented by the donors, Messrs. Granger Bros.; the glider is a singleseater fuselage biplane, with wings mounted high. (e) As it is desired only to increase membership with really enthusiastic presonnel, all newcomers must be voted into the Society ; further, the Society will not seek recourse to any form of advertising, the only publications in future will be a monthly report of our activities to THE Море. ENGINEER and the S. M.A.E. journal. (f) A private gliding and model flying ground has been secured ; our first meeting in full force will take place on Easter Saturday. (g) The question of affiliating to othet Societies is being considered.

and 18. All meetings commence at 7.30 p.m., and full particulars will be published shortly.

Hon. Secretary, Francis A. Bramcote Road, Beeston, Notts.

(To be concluded.)

Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers. The Annual General Meeting was held at the Y.M.C.A., Tottenham Court Road, London, on Tuesday, January 28, when the following officers were elected for the year: President,







K.C.B., A.F.C.; Vice-Presidents, Dr. A. Р. Thurston, D.Sc., F.R.Ae.S., M. I.A.E., M.I.M.E., and R. M. Balston, Esq. ; Chairman,

А. F. Houlberg, Esq. ; Vice-Chairmen, W. Е. Evans, Esq., and R. Langley, Esq.; Hon. Secretary, S. б. Mullins, 72, Westminster Avenue, Thornton Heath; Hon. Treasurer, W. E. Evans, 20, Thurlby Road, Wembley; Competition Secretary, S. H. Crouch, 23, Mayfair Avenue, Ilford; Technical Secretary, R. N. Bullock, 76, Boyne Road, Lewisham; Councillors, Messrs. S. R. Badley, J. E. Pelly Fry, J. van Hattum, S. C. Hersom, B. K. Johnson, H. E. Onion, D. A. Pavely, W. J. Plater.

Meetings to be held on the following dates at

