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168 The Model Engineer and Practical Electrician. February 13, 1930.

Petrol Motor Castings.

DEAR SIR, Will you please let me have the name and address of a firm who supply castings for petrol motors up to 4 h.p. ?-Yours faithfully, J. H. SMITH. [Can any reader supply this information?— Ed., MODEL ENGINEER.] Clockmaking. DEAR SIR, I was much interested in Capt. Somerville's remarks re pendulum with Invar rod and cast-iron bob, for I am about to make a very similar one for a regulator. Would Capt. Somerville give some details as to its rate, length and size of suspension spring; also its material thickness. Type metal is often recommended for bobs in connection with Invar. Has it any advantages?-Yours, etc., "ANOTHER M.B.H.I." Institutions and Societies. The Society of Model and Experimental Engineers. MEETINGS. At Caxton Hall, Westminster, at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 20, lecture by B. E. Dunbar Kilburn, Esq., M.A. (member), on Tides." Members are specially requested to note that this will be a Ladies' Evening. It is hoped that every member will do his best to bring a lady. Friday, March 7, Competition, Track and Model night. DINNER. The Annual Dinner of the Society will be held on Saturday, April 5. at Pritchards' Restaurant, Oxford Street. Tickets, price 7s. 6d. each, may be obtained of the Secretary or of any member of the Council. WORKSHOP. - To-morrow evening, Friday, February 14, a "Gadgets" evening at the work- shop. We have not had one of these evenings for some time. There ought to be quite a number of new things to be shown. Members who attend to-morrow evening will be sure of an interesting time, and if they will bring something to show and explain, they will be doing their bit. Ordinary tools, etc., are not wanted on this occasion, but we should like to see some of your special brainwaves." On Friday, March 21, Col. A. F. Marchment, D.S.O., M.C., T.D., one of our newer members, will give a demonstration on the method of producing the mottled finish which is sometimes seen on high- class tools and which is so much admired. At the recent meeting on January 28, Col. Marchment showed some beautifully made and finished tool- holders with some lovely mottling. On being asked to demonstrate the method of getting this finish, Col. Marchment immediately consented to do so. Will not some other members follow this excellent example? A demonstration on lacquering would be very welcome. Information on any matters pertaining to the S.M.E.E. may be obtained from the Secretary, R. W. WRIGHT, 202, Lavender Hill, Enfield. Institute of Patentees. LECTURES-At Caxton Hall, Westminster, London, S.W., on Thursday, February 20, at 8 p.m., "Scientist Looks at Spiritualism," by Prof. A. M. Low, D.Sc., A.C.G.I., M.I.A.E., F.C.S.. F.Inst.P.I. chairman, the Rt. Hon. The Lord Askwith, K.C.B.; admission free. Bolton S.M.E. The newly formed Society for Bolton and district has room for a few more members. readers are invited to write or call. Interested Hon. Secretary, A. TAYLOR, 203, Hatfield Road, Bolton. Leicester Society of Model Engineers. NEXT MEETING.-Friday, February 14, at 8 p.m., in Swiss Café, Welford Road, open meeting. Secretary, J. H. RILEY. Earlsdon," Scraptoft Road, Leicester. 64 Transport Observation and Models Society. The Committee is now engaged on the summer programme, which will include visits to garages, engine sheds and other places of transport interest. The last two meetings of the winter session will be held at the Adelphi Hotel, John Street, Strand, on February 19 and March 19. At the former a paper will be read on the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway," and the latter a paper on the London Omnibus." 14 SE Full particulars of the Society may be had from the Hon. Secretary, S. M. W. HANN, 7, Shirley Road, Croydon. The Model Power Boat Association. The Annual General Meeting will be held at Headquarters, "The King and Queen," Foley Street, off Great Portland Street, on Saturday, the 15th inst. Committee meeting at 6 o'clock, general meeting starts at 6.30. It is hoped that all members will attend, as the season's fixtures and other important business is on the agenda. The West London Model Power Boat Club. SAILING WATER, ROUND POND, KENSINGTON." The Annual General Meeting was held on January 26. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: Chairman, Mr. Oakley; Vice-Chairman, Mr. Wilby Committee, Messrs. P. Anderson, W. Butler, S. Haltorp; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, W. Thornton Parry. Mr. Butler, having scored the highest number of points for the year, was duly presented with the annual trophy cup. This cup now becomes the property of Mr. Butler, he having won this trophy on three occasions. Mr. Butler also won the cup presented by the club to members for the highest aggregate score for the year at the Model Power Boat Association Regattas. Hon. Secretary, W. THORNTON PARRY, 23, Ennismore Gardens Mews N., S.W.7. Notices. The Editor invites correspondence and original contribution on all small power engineering, motor and electrical subjects. Matter intended for publication should be clearly written on one side of the paper only, and should invariably bear the sender's name and address. It should be distinctly stated, when sending contributions, whether remuneration is expected, or not, and all MSS. should be accompanied by a stamped envelope addressed for return in the event of rejection. Readers desiring to see the Editor personally can only do so by making an appointment in advance. All subscriptions and correspondence relating to sales of the paper and books to be addressed to Percival Marshall & Co., Ltd., 60, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Annual Subscription, 1. is. 8d., post free to all parts of the world. All correspondence relating to Advertisements and deposits to be addressed to THE ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER, "The Model Engineer," 68, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Sole Agents for United States, Canada and Mexico: Spon and Chamberlain, 120, Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A., to whom all subscriptions from these countries should he addressed. Single copies, 14 cents; annual subscription, 5 dollars 50 cents, post free Contents. The asterisk (*) denotes that the subject is illustrated. Smoke Rings 145 Setting Jewelled Pivot Holes in Clocks and other Instruments* 347 Royal Air Force Aircraft Apprentices 151 A Simple Ring Oiler Bearing for 1 h.p. Motor* Modern Electric Installation Work Electrical Questions and Answers* A Combined Lampholder and Plug* THE MODEL ENGINEER 152 153 155 155 K 39 1500 Three-Valve Receiving Set* 156 159 160 Shops, Shed and Road* -161 Model Aeronautics 164 Queries and Replies 166 Practical Letters from Our Readers* Institutions and Societies 167 168 Exhibition of Scientific Instruments Electricity at Your Service