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X The Model Engineer and Practical Electrician.


Patents for Inventions. Trade Marks.-Advice, Handbooks and Consultations Free.-B. T. KING, Regd. Patent Agent, 148a, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. 43 years' refs. ('Phone: Cent. 0682) Fitting, Machining, Castings, Special Machine, and Press Tool makers. Estimates.-WALKER BROS., Engineers, Bowman Lane, Leeds. Patents Handbook. Advice free.-HUGHES AND YOUNG (Estd. 1829), 3, Cherry Street, Birming- ham: Outer Temple, London. J. Lathwood, Engineers' Pattern Maker, 9, Maidstone Road, Bowes Park, London, N.11. J. B. S. Poyser, Peck's Hill, Mansfield, Scientific Instrument Maker.-Turning, fitting, gear-cutting; castings in fine gun-metal and aluminium; elec- trical machinery repairs; 30 years' experience. We do Small Stampings, Pressings, etc., in all metals: large or small quantities; estimates free. -CROWN ENGINEERING CO., Wheel Yard, Peter- borough... Deane, Mounts Road, Wednesbury, for highest quality Aluminium and Gun-metal Castings. Pattern-making, Reliable Castings in iron, gun-inetal, brass, aluminium; electrical or mechani- cal work; reasonable prices.-SALLIS, Mayfield Grove, Nottingham. Firm Desiring to Commence Production of bigh-class Model Engines, Castings, Boilers, Accessories, etc.. require agents at home and abroad. Correspondence invited.-Box 1366, MODEL ENGINEER Offices. Turning, Screw-cutting, Castings Machined; single, repetition.-HUNTER Ross, 19, Greenham Road, N.10. Wanted, Amateur or Mechanie, who is willing to invest £25 to 50 in a fully equipped business, manufacturing small mechanical and electrical apparatus evenings or whole time; Isleworth district. Box 1369, MODEL ENGINEER Offices. General and Repetition Machining, Fitting, etc. for model, electrical and engineering trades.- LAMBERT, 41, Wendover Street, High Wy- combe. Wanted Small Good-class Electrical and Mechanical Models, Chemical and Scientific Apparatus, Tools, Measuring, Meteorological and other instruments wanted.-ANDREWS, 27, New Bailey Street, Salford. Our Deposit System- is run specially for your benefit when dealing with strangers- whether buying or selling. The fee for this safeguard is trifling- full particulars are given at head of "SALES AND WANTS section. " Lathes (Drummond), 3" and 4" or similar, purchased for cash.-BUCK & RYAN, 310-312, Euston Road, London. A.C. Motor wanted, 100 volts 50 cycles, to h.-p., flat pulley, slow speed; no others.- EDWARDS, 11, Great Russell Street, W.C.1. Winshurst or Spark Coil, medium or large.- Particulars, price, etc., SHEPHERD, Whitehead Place, Fagley, Bradford. 7" Screw-cutting Lathe, hollow mandrel, gap bed, in good condition, cheap for cash; back- geared. WILSON, 6, Penn Mews, N.7. High-speed Double-cylinder Engine, 13" bore, 13" stroke, double-acting; also Boiler, working pressure 70 lb. per square inch, wanted; good desi pressure 70 lb. per square inch, wanted; good design and perfect.-WILLIAM MEGAHY, 54, Tyndrum Street, Glasgow, C.4. February 13, 1930. 0 Gauge Track, Locomotives and Accessories wanted, clockwork or electric, at reasonable price. -NUTTALL SыITн, Close, Bradfield, Berks. Good Water-tube Marine Boiler to steam Stuart B.B. Engine. Particulars, price, U. HILL, Royal Oak Hotel, Alloa. Two Sprockets, with silent chain, reduction 2 and 1. FOLEY, Sandgate, Kent. A.C. Induction Motor or Carcase wanted, to 1 h.-p., suit 40 or 50 periods, voltage and electrical condition immaterial; good mechanical order; state type.-R. MINKS, Highfield, Rowlands Gill, Durham, Set M.E. Size Taps and Dies wanted; also 0 to 1 Amp. Meter; also Vertical Slide for lathe; ap- proval. Full particulars and price, 7, Castleton Road, Royton, Lancs. Situation Vacant. Engineers! Can't We Get Together? All we ask is the chance to prove that you can earn £300, Other men are £400, £500 per year and more. doing it, and you can do the same. We have an unrivalled and world-wide organisation waiting to help you, whether you he novice or expert. If you wish for something more than a "bread and butter" job you owe it to yourself to investi- gate our Service. Our Handbook, "Engineering Opportunities," has pointed the way to better things to over 20,000 of your fellows. It contains details of A.M.I.Mech. E., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.A.E., A.M.I.Struct.E., C. & G., G.P.O., etc., Exams., and outlines Home-Study Courses in all branches of Electrical, Mechanical, Motor and Wireless Engineering, In a brilliant article Professor A. M. Low shows clearly the chances you are missing. The Book and our Advice are quite free. We guarantee "No Pass-No Fee." Don't miss this opportunity. Send a post card- now (state Branch, Post or Exam.)-BRITISH INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, 13, Shakespeare House, 29, Oxford Street, London, W.1. 2DI 2DP 2DS EELEX BELEX SPADES & PINS HOOKS & EYES 6 Colours 2 d. each. Write for List K12. J. J. EASTICK & SONS 118, Bunhill Row, LONDON, E.C.1. 2DH WHEEL CUTTING. ALL KINDS OF CLOCK, TELEGRAPH, AND INSTRUMENT WHEELS. BEVEL WHEELS A SPECIALITY. H. BIDDLE & MUMFORD, 5, Percival St., Clerkenwell, LONDON, E.C.1. Phone: CLERKENWELL 1640.' PORTASS 2 Cen. LATHES. 55/- Deferred Payments 5% extra, With lever tailstock 45/-, DYNAMO Repairs and Rewinds. 6- WITH ORDER. 9 Monthly Payments. WRITE DEPT. ME., GREGORY & TAYLOR, Ltd., 14, Mount Pleasant Rd., SHEFFIELD. MAGNETO Armature Winding. Speciality: Flywheel Magneto Rewinds. Terms to Trade. Write for latest data sheet and price list, also monthly list of second-hand motors, &c. MAGSTARLITE, LTD., 825-825a, King Street, HAMMERSMITH, W.6. 'Phone: RIVERSIDE 0938. OLDHAM BATTERY SERVICE. PORTASS 21 Model B. Latho, as illus., £2:15:0 21 Model-de-Luxe Lathe £4:5:0 4 3"Back-geared, Sliding,Self-acting Screwcutting Lathe, with iron stand, 3-speed wheel, chip tray £12:12:0 Write first instance HEELEY MOTOR and MANUFACTURING Co., Broadfield Rd., Sheme'd. Deferred Terms through J. A. GRAVES, Sheffield. Complete Set with full instructions PRICE 7/6 The lamp alone.2/P. The FLUXITE SOLDERING SET. SHE C The LOUXITE FLUXITE Simi ANOTHER USE FOR FLUXITE (the paste that simpiilles soldering HARDENING TOOLS and CASE-HARDENING Ask for Leaflet on improved methods Of all Ironmongers, in Tine, 8d., 1/4, and 3/5. FLUXITE LTD. (Dept. 79), West Lane Works, Rotherhithe, Londen, S.E.16. TWINING MODELS LT FOR EXHIBITION FINISH ON SCALE MODELS. NORTHAMPTON. Ten ARTER. TELEPHONE-6 A. J. BROWN & CO ENGINEERS SPECIALITIES: EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS SMALL POWER WORM REDUCTION GEARING. AJBROWN & ENGINEERS COLCHOONEC DIA 38-1. sa H To 1H, & ALL RATIOsi BALL THRUST FIBRE WHEEL. CUNMETAL BOX. EACH POST FREE 32. NORTHAMPTON SQUARE. LONDON EC: PE CLEAR 3812 A. E. JONES, LTD., The Exclusive House for Model Aircraft Supplies. 97, NEW Oxford Street, LONDON, W.C.1. Telephone: Temple Bar 6350. QUERIES & REPLIES. (1) Every query must be accompanied by a coupon from the current issue, and should be addressed "Query Department," THE MODEL ENGINEER, 66, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4 (2) Short queries of a general character within the scope of the paper are replied to free of charge, provided a stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. (3) Queries of a technical character are not replied to by past, except by special arrangement. They will be dealt with in turn either by a short explanatory article in an early issue, or will be published as letters inviting a helpful response from other readers. (4) Where technical information by post is specially desired a charge will be made. The query will be handed over to a selected expert on the subject, who will quote his fee for the service required direct to the querist. A stamped, addressed envelope must be enclosed in all such cases. "The Model Engineer" Queries and Replies Coupon To be cut out and enclosed with each Query sent in during the week commencing February 13, 1930. Read the Rules before posting your Query.