Page:Modern Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion - a study in survivals.djvu/632

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Orestes, how spurred on to vengeance, 441 f.;
  with what penalties threatened by Apollo, 421

Orithyia, 601

Orphics, 38

Orphic tablets, 595 f.

Owl-faced Athene, 207

Owls, 309, 310, 311

'Ox-headed man,' The, (popular story), 278

Pagan customs, inveteracy of, 46;
  deities, how denoted, 67

Palmistry, 329

Pan, 77-9

Panagia, portraits of, 301

Paradise, popular conception of, 519

Parga, evacuation of, 503

Parthenon, Christian use of, 45;
  figures in east pediment of, 130

Patriotism of Greeks, 28

Patroclus, funeral of, 348 f., 529

Patroclus' ghost, 429;
  why desirous of burial, 516

Pausanias, on human sacrifice, 353

Pedantry of Greeks, 30

Pelasgians, religion of, 522 f.

Peleus (see Thetis)

Pentacle, 113, 406

Perpería, 24

Persephone (see also Kore, Demeter);
  'bridal-chamber' of, 595

Pharmakos, 355 ff.

Pheneos, Lake, 85

'Pheres,' 243

Philinnion, story of, 413, 433

Phlegon, story of revenant narrated by, 412 ff.

Phlya, mystic rites at, 587

Physique of Modern Greeks, 26, 27

Pig's flesh, taboo, 87;
  spleen, used for divination, 325

Plague, personified, 22;
  personified as trio of female demons, 124

Pollution, 425;
  ancient conception of, 451;
  of bloodguilt, 445

Polydorus, ghost of, 429

Polynices, doom of, 420

Polytheism, compared with monotheism, 40;
  merits of, 292;
  modern, 47, 48;
  popular bent towards, 54

Pomegranate, symbolic usage of, 558 ff.

Poseidon, 75-77;
  as healer, 46

'Possession,' by angels or devils, 68;
  by devils, 144;
  by the devil, as punishment, 406

Poultry, divination from, 312

Prayer, usually accompanied by offerings, 335

Predestination, 122

Priest, unlucky to meet, 306

Prometheus, legend of, 74

Prometheus' prophecy of Zeus' downfall, 552

Prytaneum of Athens, shape of, 96

Psellus, on divination, 321, 324

Pulcra montium, 167

Punishment after death, 419 ff.

Purification, from bloodguilt, 451, 483;
  means of, 357

Purity, confusion of physical and moral, 37

Pythagoras and Zalmoxis, 351

'Queen of the Mountains,' The, 163

'Queen of the Shore,' The, 163

Quince, symbolic usage of, 558 f.

Rail (ornith.), 309

Rain-charm, 23

Rain-making, 49

Ram, as victim, 326

Rat, unlucky to meet, 307

Raven, 309

Re-animation (see also Resuscitation, Vrykolakes), 384;
  of corpses left unburied, 449;
  of dead body by the soul, 432 ff.

Religion, Achaean and Pelasgian elements in, 522 f.;
  character of Greek, 2, 294, 361 f., 545;
  complexity of Greek, 4

Religious feeling, dominance of, 5-7;
  literature, absence of, 2-5

Resuscitation (see also Re-animation, Vrykolakes), 388;
  of dead persons, how viewed by the Church, 402 ff.;
  of dead persons, summary of Hellenic belief concerning, 434

Retribution, doctrine of future, 523;
  exactitude of, 453 ff.;
  law of, 435

Revenants (see also Vrykolakes);
  ancient names for, 462 ff.;
  ancient Greek instances of, 412 ff.;
  as Avengers of blood, 434 ff.;
  as Avengers of blood, summary of ancient belief concerning, 461;
  as Avengers of blood, their traits transferred to the Furies, 460;
  called up by sorcerers, 404;
  contrasted with ghosts, 427;
  different species of, 384;
  distinguished from ghosts, 416;
  exacting their own vengeance, in ancient literature, 438;
  Greek conception of, 394;
  harmless type of, 394 f.;
  Hellenic conception of, 412;
  in ancient literature, 430, 438 f.

Rhapsodes, 34

Richard, le Père, on vrykolakes, 367

Ridgeway, on cremation and inhumation, 491

Right hand, lucky, 312

'Riotings,' The, 226

River-gods, 277, 280

Rohde, on cremation, 492

rosalia, 45