Page:Modern Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion - a study in survivals.djvu/634

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General Index

'The Mistress,' 89; marriage of, 97

Theseum, Christian use of, 45

Theseus, 469

Thesmophoria, 87

Thetis, modern parallel to story of, 137

Thracians, funeral-rites of, 500

Thread of life, 124

Three, ominous number, 307 (note 1), 487

Thunderbolt, 72

Thunder-god, 50

Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus, martyrdom of, 222

Titans, story of, 73

Titles of saints, sources of, 55

Tolerance of pagans, 42

Torches, at funerals, 505 ff.

Traditions, popular and literary, 432

Trance, 69

Transformation, magic power of, 86, 249; power of, attributed to genii, 276; power of, how indicated in Art, 251

Transmigration of souls, Plato's theory of, 604 f.

Treasure, guarded by dragons, 281

Treasury of Atreus, original use of, 94

Tree, supporting the world, 155

Tree-nymphs, 151; confused with water-nymphs, 153; woodcutters' precautions against, 158

Trees, not to be cut or peeled on certain days in August, 152

Tuesday, unlucky day, 313

Tutelary genii, fed on honey-cakes, 274

'Twelve Days,' The, 221

Twitching of eyebrow, as omen, 329

Unburied (see Burial, lack of)

Under-world (see also Future life); Homeric conception of, 517 f.; modern presentment of, 549

Uninitiated, future fate of the, 563 f., 592

Unmarried, funeral-rite of the, 556; future fate of the, 592

'Unsleeping Lamp,' The, 540

Vampires (see Vrykolakes); characteristics of Slavonic, 387; modern Greek conception of, 363 ff.; Slavonic treatment of, 410 f.

Vampirism, causes of, 375, 407 ff.; imprecations of, 387; instances of, 367 ff.; widespread belief in, 371 ff.

Vendetta, 440 ff.

Vengeance for blood-guilt, extended to whole communities, 459; for homicide, Delphic tradition concerning, 444 ff.

Vengeance for murder, effected by a curse, 446 f.; effected by demonic agents, 448; exacted by murdered person, 435 ff.; incumbent on next-of-kin, 440; legally incumbent on next-of-kin, 443 f.; methods of, 453 ff.

Vesta, temple of, 96

Victim, as messenger, 340 ff.; elevated to rank of genius, 267 ff., 276

Vintage-festival, 35

Virgin, worship of the, 51

Virginity, consecrated to river-god, 592

Virility, affected by magical spell, 19

Visualisation, peasants' powers of, 47

Votive offerings, character of, 58

Vows, 59

Vrykolakas, Greek equivalents for word, 381 f.; how originally employed in Greek, 378; occasionally used in sense of 'were-wolf,' 379 f.; origin of word, 377; original meaning of word, 377 f.; Slavonic forms of word, 377 (note 2)

Vrykolakes (see also Incorruptibility, Resuscitation, Revenants, Vampires, Vampirism), 361 ff.; attitude of authorities towards belief in, 371 f.; belief in them not wholly Slavonic, 381; capable of sexual commerce, 415 f.; classes of persons liable to become, 375, 407 ff.; close resemblance of ancient revenants to, 458; corporeal nature of, 376; cremation of, substitutes for, 488; ecclesiastical view of, 386, 396 ff.; Greek treatment of, 410 f., 502; Hellenic element in conception of, 407; how disposed of, 371 f.; lineage traced from, 416; modern Greek conception of, 363 ff.; nomocanon concerning, 365, 402; not to be confused with ghosts, 376; occasional barbarities inflicted upon, 412; original Greek type of, 391 ff.; peculiar method of treating, 540; recent cases of the burning of, 374; recent Cretan account of, 372; resuscitated by the Devil, 405 f.; Slavonic influence upon conception of, 376 ff.; stories of, 368 ff.; widespread belief in, 371 ff., 374

Vultures, 309

'Wanderers,' 473

Washing, prohibited on certain days of August, 152

Water, immortal, 281; miraculous, 60; oracular property of, 334; pouring out of, as magic rite, 520; salt, bars passage of supernatural beings, 368 (note 1), 372; supplied daily to the dead, 539; 'speechless,' 304, 331; spilling of, as omen, 328

'Water-bearer,' the, 556, 592 f.

Water-nymphs, 159; confused with tree-