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that the jagirdars (taken en masse) are not anxious to see their ryots advance in education, and that they do little in the way of jagir schools.

The Census speaks of "the almost total illiteracy of the female population," but notices that the Mahomedans have a much larger proportion of women (as of men) literates than the Hindus. No mention is made of the zenana schools in the capital, which are said to be as good, if not better, than similar schools in British India. The Madrassa-i-Aizza Niswania School for the daughters of the official middle class, has been in existence for more than a quarter of a century, and in this institution over one hundred Mahomedan girls are prepared for the Hyderabad Middle School, and the Madras University Matriculation examinations. The education given in this school includes geometry, algebra, physiology, physics and chemistry, also Urdu, Persian, English and enough Arabic for religious purposes.

In the Mamhubia Girls' School, which was opened a few years ago for the daughters of the Hyderabad aristocracy, an elaborate attempt is made to cultivate the minds of the pupils and prepare them for the lives the}'