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The Nizamiah Observatory.

This observatory began with two large telescopes and other instruments which were presented to His Highness the late Nizam by the late Nawab Zaffer Jung Bahadur; and owes its development to Mr. A. B. Chatwood, B.SC, F.R.A.S., A.M.I.C.E., who was appointed State astronomer in 1908. Having built, organised, and equipped an observatory, Mr. Chatwood undertook, with the consent of His Highness's government, a portion of the vast piece of astronomical work that is known as the Carte Photographique du Ciel, or the "Astrographic Chart;" : and with this work he is busy at the present time.

The Astrographic Chart consists of a catalogue of all stars to the eleventh magnitude — about ten millions — and a map of 22,054 sheets showing, also, very much smaller stars, two hundred millions in all, perhaps.

The Post Office.

The Hyderabad State has its own postal service and issues stamps, and the government has managed this department since 1869, when important reforms were introduced into it by Sir Salar Jung I.