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Third Edition.

"A most fair, impartial and most interesting book."—The Daily News.

"The author of this book has not, like some others, been led about by Congress-Baboos, seditious editors, disaffected lawyers or discontented students. It would take pages to refer to the sound and sane things said, and the excellent judgment given in this little volume. In short, this is one of the best books on India published for some time."—The Pall Mall Gazette.

"There is much that may be studied from this book, especially by Englishman, to whom indeed, it reveals 'Hidden India in a fair and faithful manner.' "—The Indian Patriot.

"This little volume by Mr. Law gives us in an easy, simple style, many a valuable insight into the character of the natives of India and also into the barriers which separate the sympathies of the Indians and of their British rulers. Mr. Law did not merely wander idly through the regular tourist tracts, but lived among the people of whom he writes, visited them in their homes and made many friendships among them. He was able to appreciate their aspirations, and he seeks above all to give the readers of his book a picture of the position from the view of the subject races."—The Age.

"Looking as he did beneath the surface, it is no wonder that Mr. John Law's impressions of India should be of a more abiding interest and differ considerably from those of the ordinary Englishman. He is free from all affectation and employs a crisp diction to write what he feels. The result is a singularly lively volume."—The Parsi.