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Hyderabad of 1869 was as unlike the Hyderabad of 1820 as England of even date was unlike the England of the Stuarts.

In Elphinstone's history is an interesting account of Sir Salar Jung's daily life.

He rose at 6 a.m., took a cup of tea and proceeded to hold a public durbar, at which the poorest of the people had opportunities to make their representations. The officers of the troops then made their reports and afterwards he went to his private rooms, where he inspected treasury receipts and attended to correspondence. The Nazim (Dispenser of Justice) then had an audience. At 10-30 A.M. he had breakfast, which lasted for about fifteen minutes. Afterwards he was engaged in miscellaneous business until 12-30 A.M., when he held a second public durbar and granted private interviews and attended to Residency business. After a short siesta and afternoon prayers he received the officers of the Government, bankers, local governors and others. At 5-30 P.M. he walked, rode, or drove and inspected his horses. After dinner and evening prayers he attended to his correspondence and at 10 P.M. he went to bed.

Sir Salar Jung I died on the 5th of February 1883, and was buried in the family