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Mysore State : Area in sq. miles, 29,475. Population, 5,806,193 persons. Density to sq. mile, 197.

Travancore State : Area in sq. miles, 7,594. Population, 3,428,975. Density to sq. mile, 452.

Bearing in mind the two natural divisions of the State that are very strongly marked and must impress anyone who travels in the districts, we notice with interest that of the whole forest area in the Nizam's Dominions — 18,000 sq. miles — no less than 16,000 sq. miles are in Telingana. Yet, owing to the cultivation of rice, the density of population is greater in Telingana than in Marathwara. This division has a better rainfall than Marathwara, but the ryot in Telingana is less painstaking than in the sister division. The Marathwara ryot is hard-working and industrious, and although irrigation is inconsiderable in his division, he is blessed with a soil that is retentive of moisture and in which his principal cereal crop— wheat — will flourish. And it must be noticed that although rice and wheat — and more especially rice — occupy in the agricultural industries of the State a position of importance unapproached by any other