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kal Gutta ranges, but there is no hill resort, and the chief sanatorium of the State is at Bolarum in the Secunderabad cantonment.

The principal rivers are the Godavari and the Kistna, with their tributaries the Tungabhada, the Purna, the Manjra, the Bhima and the Maner; and among the smaller rivers are the Musi — a dangerous stream that flows below the wall of Hyderabad city — the Windi and the Munair.

Gold and diamonds are still found in the State, but mining for these things has not proved a success of late years. The only gold mine that is now being worked lies about fifty miles from Raichur, and is reached by a cart road. The output of gold at this mine — called the Hutti mine — was during 1912 16,993 ozs., and the royalty paid to His Highness's government during the same period was 48,110 B. G. rupees. Speaking of gold mines in the preface to his Budget Note for 1323 Fasli (1913-1914 A.D.) the Finance Minister says : —

"It is believed that as soon as railway communication enables the mining companies to get cheaper coal there will be a considerable extension of gold mining in the Deccan. There are many old workings