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McGregor Room Seminars

  • Donald S. Stauffer, The Poetry of William Butler Yeats, December 5, 1946.
  • Edwin Berry Burgum, The Work of James Joyce, January 16, 1947.
  • Willard Thorp, The Poetry of T. S. Eliot, March 21, 1947.
  • Theodore Spencer, The Poetry of W. H. Auden, May 16, 1947.
  • Cleanth Brooks, Poetry in the Age of Anxiety, October 31, 1947.
  • W. H. Auden, Poetry and Freedom, February 27, 1948.
  • René Wellek, Literature and Ideas, April 2, 1948.
  • Arthur Mizener, The Work of F. Scott Fitzgerald, May 7, 1948.
  • Basil Willey, The Value of Literary Study to Society and the Individual, November 4, 1958.
  • A. T. Mollegen, Some Theological Aspects of Contemporary Poetry, February 18, 1949.
  • Stephen Spender, Modern Poetry in the Modern World, April 21, 1949.
  • Malcolm Cowley, William Faulkner’s Legend of the South, May 6, 1949.
  • Lionel Trilling, Art and Neurosis, November 18, 1949.
  • R. P. Blackmur, The Lion and the Honeycomb, March 3, 1950.
  • Caroline Gordon, The Use of Metaphor in Prose Fiction, May 5, 1950.