Page:Modern Parnassus - Leigh Hunt (1814).djvu/50

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When Science woos the Muse, his mystic lore
May with new words increase the ancient store[1].
Or, so the charter runs, may claim the aid
Of borrow'd speech, from distant climes convey'd[2].
His native tongue enrich'd, too poor alone,
Shines with new strength and beauties not its own.

This was but glimm'ring dawn. Our glorious day
Grants ev'ry licence now, to ev'ry lay.

  1. . . . . . .Si forte necesse est,
    Indiciis monstrare recentibus abdita rarum,
    Fingere cinctutis non exaudita Cethegis,
    Continget, dabiturque licentia sumpta pudenter.
    Hor. ep. ad pis.

  2. Usque adeo patriae tibi si penuria vocis
    Obstabit, fas Grajugenûm felicibus oris
    Devehere informem massam, quam incude Latina
    Informans patrium jubeas ediscere morem.
    Vid. Poet. lib, iii, 272.