Page:Modern literature (1804 Volume 1).djvu/284

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that's between ourselves. In fact, he returned about a month ago, and behaved very civilly for a week, and his wife appeared as fond of him as ever. I hoped he had taken himself up, and to encourage him, allowed him as much money as I could spare for the present, and promised to do more if he continued to behave himself: but I soon found the money did him more harm than good: he returned to his old practices, and at length became so extremely insolent that I dare hardly call my house my own. He daily abuses me for having (he says) defrauded him, by securing my property as I have done; and as to my daughter, he takes up with the vilest trollops under her very nose; and told her, no longer ago than last night, in his cups, that he knew no other use that she and the old fool her father could be of, but by their fortune giving him the means of pleasure.