Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/183

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Sylvia, in this sad moment's pause,
O! what a mournful crowd
Of thoughts around thy lover close,
To assault him and overcloud!

The sweet requital in return
Thou givest my love I know;
And kind remembrances discern
All thy affections show;
Whilst here each proof assures me well
That naught thy heart can move;
But in my absence, who can tell
If thou wilt faithful prove?

For those divine attractions whence
Now all my joys arise,
Perhaps may fate the cause dispense
Of all my miseries;
And whilst I absent and forlorn
My pledges lost deplore,
Some rival gains of me in scorn
The enchantments I adore!

But no, my bliss, my glory! ne'er
Were given the winds in vain
Those vows, which envied me to share

The universe my gain.