Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/232

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The far-famed city! Noble towers,
Midst groves of ever-blooming flowers;
Kissing her walls are crystal streams,
Her valley lofty heights surround,
And the snow-topped Sierra gleams,
Crowning the far horizon's bound.

Not vain thy memory me pursued
Where'er I stray'd; with that imbued,
Troubling my hopes, my joys, my rest,
The thoughts my heart and soul oppressed.
On the cold margin of the Thames,
Or Seine, I thought of thee, and sigh'd
Again to view the bank that gems
Thy Henil's or thy Douro's tide.
And if perchance my voice essay'd
Some gayer song, for short relief,
Soon for lament the attempts I made
Were checked, and doubled was my grief.

Vain the delicious Arno show'd,
Offering to me her fruitful shore,
Of peace and loves the soft abode,
With flowers enamell'd o'er.
"More blooming are the plains where flows

The gentle Henil through,