Page:Modern poets and poetry of Spain.djvu/293

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Has all his confidence, he goes
On state affairs awhile;
And very late retires to rest,
With no attendants nigh,
Only a Moor, a wretch perforce,
His favourite waiting by.

Enter’d the lofty vestibule,
The Alcazar's tranquil bound,
One moment paused the King and pass'd
His gaze in turn around.
A large lamp from the vaulted roof
Was hanging loose, and cast
Now lights, now shadows, as it swung,
As by the breezes passed.
Between the polish' d columns placed
Two men in armour were,
But only two dark figures showed,
Watching in silence there.
And still was Don Fadrique laid
Extended on the ground,
With his torn mantle o'er him spread,
In a lake of blood around.
The King approached him, and awhile

Attentively survey'd,