Page:Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet vol 1 (1876).djvu/13

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It was at one of the meetings of the Russian Geographical Society in the winter of 1873-74 that Colonel Prejevalsky, then recently returned from his travels, first gave an account of his adventures and experiences in the heart of Asia.

Being personally acquainted with him, and hearing that he was seeking a publisher for an English version of his work, the idea suggested itself to me of becoming the means of making known to English readers these Russian explorations in countries of daily growing interest. The task, however, would have been a difficult one had I not succeeded in securing the all-valuable co-operation of Colonel Yule, who from beginning to end has assisted me by his ready advice, suggestions, and amendments. To Dr. Hooker, President of the Royal Society, my warmest thanks are also due for his kindness in revising the names of plants.

Most of the illustrations are from photographs lent by Baron Fr. Osten Sacken, late President of the physical section of the Imp. Geog. Soc, and well known in Europe as geographer, explorer, and botanist. He has also furnished the plates 'Ovis